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Consortium of Southern Rocky Mountain Herbaria

Bald Mountain Recreation Area - Chamberlain Lakes

Authors: Hackett, RA; Karbowski, HM; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Hackett RA, Monfils MJ, Monfils AK (2016) Evaluating a sampling protocol for assessing plant diversity in prairie fens. Wetland Ecology and Management 24:609–622. doi: 10.1007/s11273-016-9491-1
Locality: Chamberlain Lakes Fen (42.785630, -83.198230)

Heart Lake - Prairie fen surrounding lake. Appears to be heavily encroached by invasives (Phalaris arundinacea, Typha angustifolia, Phragmites australis) surrounded by wooded upland. Heron rookery on southwest side around to the north side. Most of rookery old, but a few nests remain. Shoe Lake - Lakeside fen surrounded by woodland. Similar to Heart Lake. No management apparent. State-owned.

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
less detail

Families: 39.
Genera: 70.
Species: 106.
Total Taxa: 107.

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