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Consortium of Southern Rocky Mountain Herbaria

Bayley's Fen

Authors: Pogue, CD; Zionce, R; Hackett, RA; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Pogue CP (2016) Local and landscape level variables related to Poweshiek skipperling presence in Michigan, USA prairie fens. Thesis, Central Michigan University
Locality: Bayley's Fen (42.124620, -84.239380)

Narrow fen at base of Quercus sp. Dominated upland. Water appears to seep out from base of upland and creates tranition/wooded fen zone at base. This occasionally gives way to high quality patches of fen, but much of the fen is overtaken by Lythrum salicaria and Typha spp. Area not likely to persist at prairie fen without management. Privately owned.

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
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Families: 32.
Genera: 62.
Species: 85.
Total Taxa: 85.

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